Initially designed for the students of the Master's Degree in Management and Innovation (MAIN) of the Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, the Innovation Restart Chats (IRC) is now a webinar series offered to alumni and friends of the Institute of Management. It will serve as a platform to help managers, students, and entrepreneurs to navigate these new normal times.
IRC is a journey through the best of Italian and international innovation. In each webinar, Alberto Di Minin, the Director of MIND Community, interviews one of the main players of the Italian and international innovation scene.
In order to join, and to stay updated about this initiative, please register by sending us an email at
The program is constantly updating as we add more speakers.
Marco Alberti (Senior International Instituional Affairs Officer at ENEL) - 8th June at 6.00 pm
"Open diplomacy: re-engineering public-private cooperation to compete in transformative times"
Henry Chesbrough (Professor at University of California, Berkeley) - 19th May at 6.00 pm
Innovative Startups and Policy Initiatives - 13th May at 6.00 pm
David Audretsch (Professor at Indiana University)
Tommaso Minola (Professor at University of Bergamo)
Giovanni Battistini (Managing Director - Better Gambit, LLC) - 28th April at 5 pm
"Open Innovation: different environments call for different execution strategies"
Read the article here.
Paolo Santi (Principal Research Scientist at MIT Senseable City Lab and Research Director at the Istituto di Informatica e Telematica, CNR, Pisa)
"Re-Open Europe: collaborazione e concorrenza nel turismo europeo dopo la pandemia" - 10th March at 6.30 pm
Alessandra Priante (Executive Director for Europe - United Nations World Tourism Organization - UNWTO)
Nicola Bellini (Professor - Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies)
Cristina Raso (Tourism management expert)
Guido Giacconi (Chairman at In3act & Energy WG National Chair at the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China) - 18th November at 11 am
Alessandro Cremonesi (Chief Innovation Officer & General Manager of System Research and Applications Group - STMicroelectronics) - 4th September at 12 pm
Enrico Letta (Dean at the Paris School of International Affairs - Sciences Po & Former Prime Minister of Italy) – 22nd June at 4 pm
Read the article here.
Monica Barni (Vice-president - Regione Toscana) – 9th June at 6 pm
Read the article here.
Licia Cianfriglia (High School Principal, CSPI Member & CIDA Vice-president) – 4th June at 5 pm
Read the article here.
Andrea Zorzetto (Managing Partner, Plug and Play Italy) – 25th May at 5 pm
Luca De Biase (Senior Editor, Il Sole 24 Ore) – 18th May at 5 pm
Massimo Canducci (Chief Innovation Officer, Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa) – 14th May at 5 pm
Massimo Debenedetti (Corporate VP for Research and Innovation, Fincantieri) – 5th May at 6 pm
Read the article here.
Ernesto Ciorra (Chief Innovability Officer, ENEL) – 30th April at 5 pm
Read the article here.
Ted Egan (Chief Economist, City, and County of San Francisco) – 24th April at 6 pm
Read the article here.
Luca Zambianchi (Pilot, Air Dolomiti - IdM Alumni) – 23rd April at 6 pm
Paul Marca (Associate Vice Provost, Stanford University) – 20th April at 6 pm
Read the article here.
Giovanni Cialdino (Assistant Vice President, Wren House Infrastructure - IdM Alumni) – 15th April at 9 am
Henry Chesbrough (Professor at University of California, Berkeley) – 9th April at 6 pm
Michela Petronio (RD Technology, Process, Packaging Research, and Laboratories Director at Barilla) – 8th April at 3pm
Roberto Siagri (CEO of Eurotech) – 3rd April at 5 pm
Antonio Carbone (Head of Innovation Department of APRE - APRE) – 3rd April at 3 pm
Eugenio Sidoli (President of Philip Morris Italy) – 1st April at 3 pm
Alvise Bonivento (Co-founder and Investment Director of Indaco Venture Partners SGR) – 27th March at 3 pm
Martin Kenney (Professor at the University of California, Davis) – 25th March at 6 pm
Carlalberto Guglielminotti (Chief Executive Officer of ENGIE Eps) – 25th March at 4 pm
Maria Chiara Carrozza (Professor at Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies) – 24th March at 4 pm
Read the article here.
Marco Gay (CEO of Digital Magics S.p.A.) – 19th March at 6 pm
Antonio Mazzeo (Regione Toscana, Councilman) – 17th March at 5 pm
Read the article here.
Andrea Di Benedetto (CEO and Founder of 3Logic) – 17th March at 5 pm
Read the article here.
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