COORDINATOR | Dr. Sara Barsanti
KEY TEACHING STAFF | Prof. Sabina Nuti, Prof. Milena Vainieri, Prof. Chiara Seghieri, Prof. Michele Emdin, Prof. Claudio Passino, Dr. Nicola Bellè, Dr. Paola Cantarelli, Dr. Francesca Ferrè, Dr. Anna Maria Murante, Dr. Federico Vola
PERIOD | November 16 - 20, 2020
The Seasonal Schools are training programs of excellence, which are strongly interdisciplinary, and focused on the School’s frontier research topics. The Seasonal Schools are also opportunities for meetings and exchanges with other high-performing students from all over Italy as well as from abroad.
Participants will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the end of the program after passing a final examination, with full recognition of the credits (CFU) indicated in each call.
The IAC Seasonal School will cover specific research topics underpinning the public health care system, with an emphasis on the analysis of real-world evidence and data for better use of assets and resources to achieve better outcomes and improved efficiency of care, as well as regarding the recent managerial implications of the recent coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. Students will explore tools and frameworks related to data management, business, and process reengineering, innovation strategies, decision-making processes, and performance assessment in the field of health care services adopting both a theoretical and empirical approach. Moreover, innovative solutions to boost patients and community participation, engagement, and co-production in the care process will be discussed and analyzed in different care settings. Students will be able to discuss challenging research issues, such as:
- how to measure and assess the performance of the care given; what are the possible data-driven solutions to cope with variation;
- how to develop innovative interventions based on patients-centered care;
- what are the main levers to improve the quality and appropriateness of care and how to address the challenges facing the pandemic crisis from the organizational perspective.
The program allows ambitious young students to gain an introduction into the study of service management with a vert practical approach based on case studies and innovative solutions in the health care sector, whilst also developing the necessary skills to succeed in every career.
The IAC Seasonal School is a fully online web-based program. A mix of lecture-based and laboratory classes will be developed by professors and researchers. Participants will be actively engaged through a balanced mix of interactive theoretical lectures and simulations, debates, and discussions on real case studies. Moreover, facilitators will be available in order to foster the interactions and improve the discussion during the lab classes. International and national researchers, managers, and policymakers will join the discussion.
The Seasonal School is open to undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. students from various backgrounds interested in the field of health care management. For future managers, it allows investigating all the levers and tools, starting from the data, with which to face the strategic decisions of management and programming of services. For future doctors, it allows us to deeply investigate the complex context in which they will operate, providing an innovative view of the care processes from a managerial point of view. For future policymakers, the course analyzes the roles of the various actors and decision-making tools. This program is a brilliant opportunity for the participants to develop their experience of the subject in an inspiring and multidisciplinary environment.
The costs and methods of payment are indicated in the Calls of the individual Seasonal Schools.
Besides attending the lessons, the enrolment fee also includes all the study materials, in addition to full board and lodging in the case of on-site courses.
A reduction in the enrolment fee and travel expenses is available based on the applicant’s ISEE-U PARIFICATO (Equivalent indicator of the economic situation for University) for International students.
A 450€ scholarship provided by Fondazione Talento all’Opera Onlus will be assigned to the three best performing participants of each course.
Italian and foreign Universities with specific agreements with Sant’Anna School are entitled to reserved places and to a 10% reduction in the enrolment costs.
Students enrolled in one of the following affiliated universities will enjoy a 10% discount from the School fee:
- Università di Catania
- Università di Viterbo
- Università di Trento
- Fondazione Onaosi
- Università degli Studi di Messina
- Università di Macerata
Please find the Calls for Application and the Application Guidelines attached to the right. The Call contains all the necessary information on how to participate and what documentation is required in order to submit your application online.